Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Mook's and Midriffs

     I think that the Mooks or just a media construction not a real person in the world but in the other hand I think that there are some Midriffs in the world. I don't know of any Midriffs or Mooks in the world but i bet there are some out there. I don't think my friends are influnced by T.V either. Media Company's are targeting Mooks and Midriffs because they are the most interesting to watch on T.V for teens.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Media Ownership


In this article that makes me mad is that the U.S.A is not doing anything to take down the video about the anti-islamic video, Even after a U.S ambassador dies and several people are killed. So i think the U.S should bring down the video and say sorry than everything will be good. This is a huge problem because people can say bad things on to a different race and not get in trouble so the U.S should at least do something about it.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Teen take over

In much the same way that the British Empire tried to take over Africa and profit from its wealth, corporations look at teens like this massive empire they are colonizing and their weapons are films, music, books, CDs, Internet access, clothing, amusement parks, sports teams."

-Robert McChesney

I agree with this because there trying to make a profit over us and they are really having success doing this. Every teen is buying, watching, and doing everyone one if these things and they are going to keep on doing this forever with new books CDs and  clothing. Teens right now are using popular stuff like Facebook or youtube.

Friday, September 14, 2012

The media i have used today are:

- TV






Media Literacy

  Media is important because it helps us everyday do stuff like meeting up with friends           (Facebook) or share videos with everybody (youtube) and because you use it everyday like in school. And it will help us in future because everything is going to get even more advanced so its good to know about media literacy. Also if  we didn't have the internet we would not have all these cool devices like iPhones and iPads.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


  My name is Brandon and I'm a freshman at mountain view high school and i am a student in future technology  I am 14 years old.