Friday, November 30, 2012

issue #3

Over these last few years we usually get our news and information from the T.V but according to this graph the growing number of people watching television is decreasing about 1-5% every year. Where everybody is getting there news and info from is from the Internet. The Internet is growing about 5-10% every year so, Soon only a small amount of people will be watching T.V and mostly everybody will get there news from the Internet.

Newspapers are decreasing little bit every year so maybe around 2020-2030 we might use newspapers any more, and the radio is not really changing a bit so thats good :).

This is bad because the Internet is taking over mostly every way of watching news soon everybody will be watching news from there laptops. according to the graph the Internet skyrocketed during 2007 by 20%.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Issue #2

During the year 2015 there will be tons of new inventions but i am going to talk about Virtual reality. Virtual is making a come back in 2015 they are going to use this technology for mostly business, leisure, education, training,and gaming. I think this is a huge step into some really awesome technology. Just imaging what kind of 3d gaming and education we can have with this kind of technology its amazing.

But its kind of bad.On the other side if we let virtual reality take over our schools and teachers for education then we might lose some jobs because of it. It can also take over gaming companies because people might get hooked on virtual gaming and just throw away there xbox's or ps3's.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Web pages that suck

1. When you make a website your website should solve peoples problems

2. You should be able to know what the Website is about when you first get to it

3. make sure your site is readable and has contrast

4. Don't use stuff that will get in the way of advertising your website

5. Make sure you have everything on your website

6. Don't over do it with color on your website

7. make sure your Website has good Navigation know where everything is

8. Don't use MMN Navigation

9. Make sure you have information to keep on having your visitors coming back

10. Don't use graphics for text or words on your website

11. Don't have so much material on one website.

12. Don't confuse your visitors with web design

13.Don't misuse Flash

14. Don't misunderstand the use of graphics

15. Don't say your website is the best

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Facial recognition

Facebook is trying to put Facial recognition in their site, recently Facebook said that they are suspending the practice in Europe on Facebook. Now they are trying to put it in the US.

It think that facial recognition is needed in Facebook because some people on Facebook make fake usernames and make fake profile pictures on there account. So i think there should more of it so we know if that person is the real person of that account. But it is also not really needed in Facebook either.
And i also think that its a little weird because than it can check everywhere if thats you when your doing something on Facebook.

Thursday, October 18, 2012


The US has passed a law that is making full body scanners mandatory in US airports which i think is a  little bit to much over the top. I think that this is going a little bit over the top because its totally against everybody's privacy at the airports.
Maybe it might help check everybody for unwanted objects such as drugs,knifes,bombs and might see if someone is a terrorist and maybe find unwanted stuff in a airport but, I still think its still over the top for everybody's privacy.

But in the other hand this might help for safety because now we can see if someone has a weapon or a unwanted object on the airplane. You can either think its to over top towards privacy or you might think that safety is worth the price of going through a full body scanner 

Full-body scanners are now mandatory in US airports :(
full body scanners technology 2013 tsa

Friday, October 5, 2012

Common Advertising techniques

Magic ingredients
Patriotism ads
example of testimonial
Example of band wagon ad
example of Facts and figures
example of weasel words
example of bribery ads

wit and humor ads

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Mook's and Midriffs

     I think that the Mooks or just a media construction not a real person in the world but in the other hand I think that there are some Midriffs in the world. I don't know of any Midriffs or Mooks in the world but i bet there are some out there. I don't think my friends are influnced by T.V either. Media Company's are targeting Mooks and Midriffs because they are the most interesting to watch on T.V for teens.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Media Ownership


In this article that makes me mad is that the U.S.A is not doing anything to take down the video about the anti-islamic video, Even after a U.S ambassador dies and several people are killed. So i think the U.S should bring down the video and say sorry than everything will be good. This is a huge problem because people can say bad things on to a different race and not get in trouble so the U.S should at least do something about it.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Teen take over

In much the same way that the British Empire tried to take over Africa and profit from its wealth, corporations look at teens like this massive empire they are colonizing and their weapons are films, music, books, CDs, Internet access, clothing, amusement parks, sports teams."

-Robert McChesney

I agree with this because there trying to make a profit over us and they are really having success doing this. Every teen is buying, watching, and doing everyone one if these things and they are going to keep on doing this forever with new books CDs and  clothing. Teens right now are using popular stuff like Facebook or youtube.

Friday, September 14, 2012

The media i have used today are:

- TV






Media Literacy

  Media is important because it helps us everyday do stuff like meeting up with friends           (Facebook) or share videos with everybody (youtube) and because you use it everyday like in school. And it will help us in future because everything is going to get even more advanced so its good to know about media literacy. Also if  we didn't have the internet we would not have all these cool devices like iPhones and iPads.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


  My name is Brandon and I'm a freshman at mountain view high school and i am a student in future technology  I am 14 years old.